Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
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Blessing Versus Curse

In the Old Testament times, we see a common thread that God blesses and curses Israel depending on whether or not they follow Him. In New Testament times, it is Christ who became a curse for us that we might be reconciled with God (Gal. 3:13). Barrenness was often considered Read more…

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Scared to Hope

I didn’t want to be here. But I am, we are. Our second, and final, round of IVF. If it doesn’t work this time then we’ve already made the decision not to do it again; it’s too costly. The financial cost is easy to calculate and I am grateful we Read more…

Waves Of Grief

This was a hard week. It’s been a week I have been dreading for months. A week which I kept hoping and praying wouldn’t happen. A week where I learned that grief really does come in waves! This is the week that our IVF babies would have been due. It’s Read more…

Peeing On A Stick

I’ve been tracking my ovulation cycle with those sticks that you pee on. Does the line appear this time? If so we need to have sex, right now!! I think the line shows that you are likely to ovulate within the next 24-48 hours but you get the picture! Morning Read more…

What Are We Getting Into?

Although we haven’t technically been trying for a full year, we’ve been referred to the fertility clinic in town. Questions about our eating, drinking and smoking habits, medical histories, physical examinations, blood work and then booked in for various other tests and ultrasounds. We were given all the stats as Read more…

Helen, I’m Pregnant

We’ve all been there. That moment that you look on Facebook and see a cheesy announcement that someone is pregnant. Or someone drops it casually into the conversation. You want to be happy for them, of course you do, but it also hurts. Am I so selfish and callous that Read more…

More Tests

Before we started on this infertility journey my medical file was basically empty. Now I’m starting to get very used to all the different types of ultrasound out there. Sometimes you need to pee first, for others you need a full bladder (they’re the worst!), some are more intimate than Read more…

Hormones & IUI (Take 1)

After all the waiting, this was the month that we would start our fertility treatment. The doctor had recommended we start with IUI or intrauterine insemination, which is basically where they place the sperm as close to the fallopian tubes as they can, at the same time as you ovulate. Read more…