Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
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Ignoring God

Today I sat on a beautiful hill in Vancouver and meditated on Romans 8. This was painful reading. I suddenly realized that I need to stop focusing on myself and start to focus on God. I was hit hard by what I read. ‘Focusing on the self is the opposite Read more…

Hormones & IUI (Take 2)

Because it hadn’t worked last month we were able to try again right away. This at least was good news as it meant we didn’t have to “waste” another month. I knew the process, the nurses and ultra-sound technicians and the pharmacist by now. It meant more time off work Read more…

Hormones & IUI (Take 3)

Another month, another attempt. I really know what to expect now. And I’m much less hopeful after two failed attempts. I also have to travel for work during this cycle which makes it harder, but I can’t keep putting my life on hold. I also learned something new this cycle Read more…

Next Step – IVF

Our fertility doctor is amazing. All the staff at the clinic are. Today I had a scheduled appointment to figure out our best next steps. The good news – we’ve come to the top of the waiting list for IVF. Different people have different views on IVF. We’d prayed about Read more…

Kids Birthday Parties

A work conference in Europe happened to coincide with my niece’s 3rd birthday and it was such a privilege to celebrate it with her in person. I love watching kids open presents and she’s now at the age that she’s also interested in what’s inside, and not just the wrapping Read more…

Regret Or Embrace?

My boss asked me if I would go to Peru for a work trip. I love travelling, I’ve never been there and I would get to see the impact of our work in practice. Normally I would jump at this chance. But on the other hand there’s Zika. We’ve just Read more…

Another Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is hard. It’s been hard for years to be honest. When I was single it was hard as I still wanted to be a Mum and all around me people were celebrating Mums and motherhood. There often wasn’t much thought given to those who couldn’t have kids. Single Read more…

An Empty Womb

It started out so normally. I lay there on the bed as the technician moved the ultrasound wand over my belly. The TV was to my left on the wall. It wasn’t my first ultrasound. I should have known what to expect, except I think it was the first time Read more…