Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Scared to Hope

I didn’t want to be here. But I am, we are. Our second, and final, round of IVF. If it doesn’t work this time then we’ve already made the decision not to do it again; it’s too costly. The financial cost is easy to calculate and I am grateful we Read more…

Hopeful Beginnings

Full of faith and excited that we could soon be starting a family I googled different apps that would help us know when my most fertile days were and tracked them conscientiously! It was exciting. We were full of hope. This could be our last Christmas without kids. I was Read more…

Meet in the Middle

In marriage there are always times of compromise or meeting in the middle but we gave that a different meaning today! We were stuck in different cities during the fertile time of the month, so what do you do? Our answer – meet in the middle! It might seem extravagant Read more…

Father’s Day Pain

Why do some churches insist on doing this? We were visiting my in-laws for Father’s Day and visited a local church. All the Dads were asked to stand. Not, men but Dads. They were honoured and praised, singled out for being Dads. Don’t get me wrong, I think Dads (and Read more…

What Lies Ahead?

I registered with a family doctor today and was so impressed with and moved by her empathy. After the obligatory “how much alcohol do you drink per week?” I joked that it depended on the time of the month! She was so understanding as we discussed how hard the waiting Read more…

When Trust Fails

When my period came this month I broke down. I wept. I couldn’t pray. I didn’t trust my words. I confessed to my mentor that although I thought I was trusting God, maybe I wasn’t. She asked me to challenge that sentence. Does my doubt and disappointment mean I don’t Read more…

When God Says No

You may have read that we were going to find out if our IVF had been successful on Christmas Day. It wasn’t. And we did find out on Christmas Day. At 5pm to be precise. Just after we’d finished a lovely Christmas Dinner. I cried. My Mum cried. It wasn’t Read more…

A Temporary Mist

I basically knew that my period was starting as we sat in the parking lot and my mood matched the dark clouds and thick mist that surrounded us. The supposedly stunning scenery was hidden from us. But it didn’t look as though the weather was going to get much better Read more…