Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
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Surrender control

Surrender Control

Being In Control I like being in control! I feel in control of most areas of my life, but there are some things we have zero control over: the weather, what other people think of us, and has been increasingly evident, whether I get pregnant or not! We also can’t Read more…


Remembering Anniversaries have always been hard for me, maybe because I have a thing for dates so I find it easy to remember what I was doing this time last year, even without Facebook to remind me! When it comes to my fertility journey though, the anniversaries always seem to Read more…

Birthday Milestones

Turning 40 I have not been looking forward to my birthday this year. If I’m honest it’s been a shadow hanging over me for the past few years as I’ve got ever closer to the big 4-0. It doesn’t matter how many times I have told myself, or others have Read more…

Crushed Hope

Something deep within me believed that this would be the month. I can’t explain why, but it just felt like that. Then, when I was driving, I saw the most beautiful complete rainbow over the valley. It felt like God was confirming my feeling, reminding me of the promise of Read more…