Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
Logo on Rinnah - Supporting those experiencing Childlessness and Infertility

Jesus & Paul

What do Jesus and Paul have in common? On one level, you can’t compare the Son of Man with a mortal man. But on another level, they have some similar characteristics. Both were Jewish men; both were well-acquainted with “the law.” Another characteristic that they both shared was celibacy. Jesus Read more…

Trust & Hope

Why do I believe I’ll be a Mum? Faith is a strange thing. It’s not rational. You can strongly believe and doubt at the same time. Or at least I can! So when I say I have faith that we will have children, that doesn’t mean I’m not plagued by Read more…

Waiting Well

How do you wait well for something, especially if you are as impatient as I am? I spent a day praying and reflecting on precisely this topic. It’s hard to wait well when you want something so much. I spent most of the time asking “What should I do?” to Read more…