Community For Those Experiencing Childlessness
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An Empty Womb

It started out so normally. I lay there on the bed as the technician moved the ultrasound wand over my belly. The TV was to my left on the wall. It wasn’t my first ultrasound. I should have known what to expect, except I think it was the first time Read more…

Am I Pregnant?

4 days later: Every sign my body makes I’m questioning for a sign that I am pregnant. I’m tired – abnormally so, but then I’ve thought that every month. I had stomach cramps a few days this week – is that ovulation? Is that implantation? Is it significant? I’m constipated Read more…

Am I Pregnant?

My period is late. It’s never late. Do I dare hope? Two days late is a lot for me. I want to take a test and I don’t. I’m scared of more disappointment. Yes, the result will be the same whether I take the test or not, but it’s nice Read more…

A Temporary Mist

I basically knew that my period was starting as we sat in the parking lot and my mood matched the dark clouds and thick mist that surrounded us. The supposedly stunning scenery was hidden from us. But it didn’t look as though the weather was going to get much better Read more…

God's promises

An Infertility Journey

Helen and Mark’s Infertility Journey Helen started writing about her infertility journey in 2016 when it became apparent that things wouldn’t work out as they had hoped. They tried IUI and IVF and you can read about their experiences in the following pages. If you are on a similar journey, Read more…

July – A Wedding

We both knew that we wanted children and that we weren’t getting any younger. However we had only known each other for 10 months! Should we start trying for a family right away or wait a while? I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this question Read more…